Dr. Shashank Kraleti is launching a group of DFPM awards under the heading of CARE – Chair’s Awards for Recognition of Excellence. Nominations will be accepted beginning in March 2025, with the awards to be presented during the DFPM Research Symposium on June 10.
The CARE Awards include recognition for DFPM faculty, staff members, teachers, mentors, researchers, innovators, clinicians, learners, and more.
Award descriptions are below.
The CARE Awards are separate from the Dean’s Honor Day Awards, though some awards have similar names and nomination criteria. Helpful hint: You may nominate someone for both a Dean’s Award and a CARE Award, in the same category or a different category – but keep in mind that the CARE Awards are available for Family Medicine team members only.
Each CARE award nomination must include:
- Resume/CV of the nominee
- Letter of nomination
- One letter of nomination is required
- A second letter of nomination is optional
- Completion of the online nomination form
You may nominate yourself, if you wish. Complete the nomination form, attach your resume/CV, and attach one or two letters of nomination that you have obtained from your supporter(s).
Questions? Contact Dr. Diane Jarrett at dmjarrett@uams.edu
List of Awards and Nomination Criteria
Chair’s Distinguished Faculty Service Award
This award is presented to an active faculty member (clinical or non-clinical) who has displayed outstanding, long-term service to the DFPM. This service may include research and scholarly activity, teaching excellence, clinical service, excellence in mentoring, development of new programs or policies, and/or academic administration.
GME Educator Award – Program Coordinator
The GME Educator Award – Program Coordinator is presented to an individual that demonstrates significant contributions to the graduate medical education community and proven excellence in communication and interpersonal skills, facilitating excellence in program’s ACGME accreditation processes, coordinating activities needed to promote program excellence, and personal lifelong learning, leadership, and mentorship of others.
GME Educator Award – Program Director
The GME Educator Award – Program Director is presented to an individual that demonstrates significant contributions to the GME community and proven excellence in leadership skills at departmental or institutional levels, development of an effective learning environment based on the ACGME Core Competencies, program innovation through curriculum development and/or teaching, demonstrating strong role model and mentorship skills, and faculty development related to GME.
UME Educator Award
The UME Educator Award is presented to an individual that demonstrates significant contributions to the UME community and proven excellence in leadership skills at departmental or institutional levels, development of an effective learning environment based on LCME principles, program innovation through curriculum development and/or teaching, demonstrating strong role model and mentorship skills, and/or faculty development related to UME.
Master Teacher Award
The Master Teacher Award is presented to a faculty member who has consistently demonstrated excellence in education. Criteria include the number of students or residents influenced by the educational efforts, the different levels (graduate, medical students, etc.) of education in which the faculty member has engaged, educational leadership and administration, publications related to medical education, length of educational involvement, and innovations in medical education.
Educational Innovation Award
The Educational Innovation Award is presented to a faculty member who has demonstrated significant educational innovation. In general, such innovation would take the form of a new method of teaching or evaluation. Examples would be the delivery of information using a new teaching style or the development of a new curriculum.
Educational Research Award
The Educational Research Award is presented to a faculty member who has undertaken significant educational research and scholarly activity. In general, it is anticipated that the recipient of this award will have published in the area of education and will be able to demonstrate a commitment to educational research by the documentation of effort in this area. The faculty member may or may not have obtained grant money to carry out this educational research, but such funding would be considered a significant positive in the selection of this award recipient.
Excellence In Research Award
The Excellence in Research Award is presented to a faculty member who has a distinguished record of research achievement that includes but is not limited to establishment of a research program that has held consistent and substantial extramural funding; a robust publication record within highly reputable journals; established a national and international reputation in his/her research field(s); and provided mentorship to UAMS trainees and faculty.
Award Of Excellence In Faculty Mentorship/Sponsorship/Coaching
This award is presented to a faculty member with a sustained commitment to effectively guide less experienced faculty in career success through mentoring, sponsorship, and/or coaching that includes specific goals and measurable objectives.
Staff Excellence Award – Education
The Staff Excellence Award in Education is presented to the non-faculty administrative team member (departmental staff, administrative assistant, etc.) who has exemplified service and an outstanding work ethic in education.
Staff Excellence Award – Research
The Staff Excellence Award in Research is presented to the non-faculty administrative team member (departmental staff, administrative assistant, etc.) who has exemplified service and an outstanding work ethic in research and scholarly activity.
Staff Excellence Award – Clinical
The Staff Excellence Award (Clinical) is presented to the non-faculty team member (departmental staff, administrative assistant, etc.) who has exemplified service and an outstanding work ethic in the clinical realm.
Staff Excellence Award – Administration
The Staff Excellence Award in Administration is presented to the non-faculty administrative team member (departmental staff, administrative assistant, etc.) who has exemplified service and an outstanding work ethic in administration.
Excellence In Quality and Safety Award
The Excellence in Quality and Safety Award is presented to the faculty member who champions the establishment of best practices; demonstrates exemplary performance on recognized clinical outcome measures; and implements tools and processes to improve the patient experience.
Excellence In Service and Professionalism Award
The Excellence in Service and Professional Award is presented to a faculty member who models altruism, competence, trustworthiness, and humility, and who receives exemplary patient and family feedback.
Award Of Excellence In Community and/or Institutional Service
The Award of Excellence in Community and/or Institutional Service is presented to an individual who demonstrates a sustained commitment to serving the community, including active participation on UAMS or professional boards or committees, lectures in the community, enhances the DFPM reputation, and/or provides public health education to patients, families, and/or the community.
Collaborations and Teamwork Award
The Collaborations and Teamwork Award goes to an individual (clinical or non-clinical) who has built effective collaborative relationships across different groups to define and resolve problems. For clinicians, this might include consistently demonstrating compassion and collaboration in the delivery of care of patients.
Rising Star Clinical Faculty Award
The Rising Star Clinical Faculty Award goes to a clinician in their first five years as a faculty member and who is recognized by peers for clinical excellence, professionalism, and dedication to patient care.
Award of Excellence in Clinical Innovation
The Award of Excellence in Clinical Innovation goes to a clinician with a sustained commitment to high quality and innovative patient care who has significantly advanced clinical practice. This may be accomplished through innovation in clinical practice design or management, or advocacy on the behalf of patients that fosters change.
Outstanding Medical Student Award
The Outstanding Medical Student Award recognizes a medical student who excels in humanism, professionalism, leadership, service, community service, research, and academics. Consideration is given to academic achievements, research, publications, leadership roles, and community engagement/service. Preference is given to a medical student with a genuine passion for the practice of Family Medicine.
Outstanding Resident/Fellow Award
The Outstanding Resident/Fellow Award goes to a resident or fellow who excels in patient care, humanism, professionalism, leadership, service, community service, research, and academics.
Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award
The Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award is presented to an adjunct faculty member who demonstrates excellence in teaching, research, and/or clinical leadership.