Post Match Survey Post Match Survey Responses are anonymous and will be used to make process improvements. Medical School ExperienceWhen did you choose family medicine?Who or what influenced your choice of family medicine?What resources and opportunities at UAMS do you feel support students who are interested in family medicine?What is the general perception of family medicine at UAMS?Residency Application ExperiencePlease share your experience with the application and interview process at Arkansas residency programs. Where did you match? In Arkansas Out of state Did you apply to any out-of-state programs? Yes No Do you plan to remain in Arkansas for practice? Yes Maybe No Did you apply to any in-state programs? Yes No Why did you choose an out-of-state program over an in-state program? (select all that apply) Better training opportunity Did not match at preferred Arkansas program Family ties/obligations Military obligations Arkansas political climate and state laws Salary range Other If you selected "Better training opportunity," please explain.If you selected "Other," please explain.Do you plan to return to Arkansas to practice? Yes Maybe No Did you participate in the supplemental match? Yes No Was family medicine your preferred specialty? Yes No If you selected "No," what was your preferred specialty?Why did you ultimately choose family medicine?What was most appealing about the program you ranked #1?What factors were most important when making your rank list?How did the presence of website/social media content influence your interest and ultimate decision in a program?How can recruitment for family medicine be improved, specifically for Arkansas residency programs?Please provide additional comments about your family medicine experience (good or bad).