Students Shadow Radiologists
Six students from Hall STEAM Magnet High School’s health sciences academy visited the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) on Feb. 5 to observe health professionals in the field of radiology.
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The Radiology Alliance for Community & Engagement is co-chaired by one of our faculty and includes residents, faculty, administrative personnel, nurses and technologists.
The mission is to cultivate an environment where our patients, students, trainees, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds feel valued, respected, heard, and empowered through education and patient care. We aspire to engage, educate, advocate, and empower all radiology and imaging team members and patients to remove barriers throughout our campus and community.
The UAMS Radiology Alliance for Community & Engagement Committee hopes to achieve the following:
- Educate and empower team members on the importance of integrity, respect, teamwork, creativity, excellence, and safety and its impact on patient care and the workforce.
- Engage with all students to provide enrichment opportunities to strengthen the future workforce within radiology/imaging programs.
- Promote culture of patient safety and positive patient experience, preserve human dignity, and advocate on behalf of patients to safeguard the right level of care.
- Engage and collaborate with other departments within the UAMS healthcare system.
Radiology Alliance for Community & Engagement Committee Members
Shey Anderson, Co-Chair, Kala Buddha, M.D., Janice Murphy, M.D., Co-Chair, Fatih Atac, M.D., Anthony Anderson (no photo)

RACE Committee Members
Emma Thompson, Kori Mansfield, M.D., Jay Walker, Carol Fullington (no photo), Sabrina Hartwig (no photo), Shruti Kumar, M.D. (no photo), Joe Jose, M.D. (no photo), Heta Ladumor, M.D. (no photo), Sumit Shah, M.D. (no photo)