2022-2024 FY
July 1, 2022 – present
Radiology faculty noted in bold. Student or resident presenters are in italics.
Venkat Krishnan. Clinico-radiological features of caudal regression syndrome: The long and the short of it – Poster Presentation, SPIR 11th International Meeting 2023.
Venkat Krishnan. Unraveling the mysteries of the arachnoid cyst: Exploring the unusual presentations and complications on cross sectional imaging in pediatric patients – Poster Presentation, ASPNR 2023 Conference
Venkat Krishnan. Imaging approach to malformations involving the external and middle ear: A new practical protocol-based approach – Poster Presentation, ASPNR 2023 Conference
M. Yahya Hameed, Sumera Ali, Hannah K. Jensen, Catherine C. Shoults. Perception of Radiology Amongst Medical Students on Reddit: A Reddit-Based Sentiment Analysis. AUR 2023.
Suryansh Bajaj. Value proposition of FDA approved Ai algorithms for neuorimaging. Poster Presentation, ARRS 2023.
Suryansh Bajaj. ACR appropriateness criteria: Bibliometric analysis of panel members. ARRS 2023.
Suryansh Bajaj. Pictorial review of the USG of FIGO classification of fibroids. Poster Presentation, ARRS 2023.
Suryansh Bajaj. Use of Radioembolization and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in the Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Current Standard of Therapy. Poster Presentation, ARRS 2023. Awarded (ARRS 2023 Certificate of Merit in vascular/interventional radiology).
Suryansh Bajaj. Value proposition of FDA approved Ai algorithms for neuorimaging. Poster Presentation, RSNA, November 2022. Won the resident/trainee research award (Certificate of merit).
Suryansh Bajaj. ACR appropriateness criteria: A bibliometrics analysis of panel members. Poster Presentation, RSNA, November 2022.
Suryansh Bajaj. ACR appropriateness criteria: A bibliometrics analysis of panel members. Poster Presentation, RSNA, November 2022.
Gwendolyn Bryant-Smith (session moderator). Safety Net Hospitals, Health Disparities, and Unique Barriers to Care. RSNA, November 2022.
Mallory Heft. Establishing an Inpatient Interventional Radiology Consult Service. SPIR 10th International Meeting; Galway, Ireland, September 2022.
Mollie Meek. Pregnancy outcomes and complications of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia in the us population. 14th HHT International Scientific Conference, Cascais, Portugal, September 2022.
Mollie Meek. An exceedingly rare case of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and melorheostosis. 14th HHT International Scientific Conference, Cascais, Portugal, September 2022.
Charles James. Percutaneous cecostomy: 25-year multi-institution experience. SPIR 10th International Meeting; Galway, Ireland, September 2022.
Arabinda Choudhary. MRI protocols for imaging of abusive head trauma. International Pediatric Neuroradiology Teaching Network meeting, August 2022.
Joe Jose, Suryakala Buddha, Kedar Jambhekar. Tuesday Case of the Day, History: 36/F with history of dyspnea, chronic cough. Poster Presentation, RSNA, November 2023.
Joe Jose, Roopa Ram. Post-operative complications of cholecystectomy- what the radiologist needs to know. Poster Presentation, RSNA, November 2023.
Joe Jose, Roopa Ram. A primer for pancreatic head pathologies: What the surgeons want to know at the multidisciplinary conference. Poster Presentation, RSNA, November 2023.
Shahin M, Shashi K. Cervical intranodal lymphangiogram in pediatric cardiac patients; Technique, safety and clinical applications. Society of Pediatric Interventional Radiology, Orlando 2023. Won the Pioneer’s award.
Kumar Shashi M.D, Harsha Garg M.D, Sila Kurugol PhD, Deborah Stein M.D, Michael Ferguson M.D, Alex Chavez-Yenter M.D, Karen Sarao, Jeanne S. Chow M.D. MR Urography revealing renal physiology: Compensatory changes in duplex kidneys. Society of Pediatric Radiology, Austin 2023.
Dahlem D, Shashi KK, Mack J. Patient with Central Conducting Lymphatic Anomaly (CCLA) secondary to Noonan’s Syndrome. Southern Regional Meeting, February 22-24, 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Voladri, DR, Shashi KK, Mack J. Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma with Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon. Southern Regional Meeting, February 22-24, 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana.
McClanahan A, Vilanilam G, Kaukis N, Jadhav R, Kamran M, Patro S. Embolic Particles versus Liquid Embolic for Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization in Chronic Subdural Hematoma. UAMS Radiology Research Day. March 22, 2024.
McClanahan A, Lynch J, Meek M, Kocurek E, Berry A. Incidental Passage through a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) during Massive Pulmonary Embolism Thrombectomy. Poster presentation, 2024 Arkansas Medical Society Meeting. May 17, 2024.
McClanahan A, Vilanilam G, Kaukis N, Jadhav R, Kamran M, Patro S. Embolic Particles versus Liquid Embolic for Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization in Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Poster presentation, 2024 Arkansas Medical Society Meeting. May 17, 2024.
McClanahan A, Odom M, Eichhorn J, Gupta K. EVAR Graft Infection. First Place, SNMMI Correlative Imaging Council Case Competition 2024. June 8, 2024.
Brannigan JF, McClanahan AJ, Thomas W, Uprichard J, Oxley TJ . Management of Antithrombotic Medication During Implantation of Neurovascular Stent Electrode Devices: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Poster presentation, Society of Neurointerventional Surgery (SNIS) Annual Meeting. July 22, 2024.
McClanahan A, Vilanilam G, Kaukis N, Jadhav R, Radvany M, Kamran M, Patro S. Embolic Particles versus Liquid Embolic for Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization in Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Poster presentation, Society of Neurointerventional Surgery (SNIS) Annual Meeting. July 22, 2024.
Brannigan JF, McClanahan AJ, Hui FK, Fargen KM, Pinter N, Oxley TJ. Superior cortical venous anatomy for endovascular device implantation: a systematic review. Virtual presentation, American Society of Functional Neuroradiology (ASFNR) Annual Meeting. August 18, 2024.
Pokhylevych H, Patro S, Vilanilam G, Jadhav R, Kamran M. Navigating the Storm: Imaging and Endovascular Management of Carotid Blowout Syndrome. American Society of Neuroradiology, 2024 Annual Meeting.
Harkey T, Dasegowda G, Glasier C, Jayappa S, Murphy J, Ramakrishnaiah R. Recurrent Painful Ophthalmoplegic Neuropathy (RPON) – A Less Recognized Aunt Minnie. Electronic Exhibit, American Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ASHNR) Annual Meeting. September 4-8th, 2024.
Harkey T, Kornhauser T, Pemberton J, Dasegowda G, Chaurasia A, Ramakrishnaiah R, Patro S. An Eye-Popping Encounter – Indirect Caroticocavernous Fistula Causing Secondary Orbital Varices and Severe Proptosis. Electronic Exhibit, American Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ASHNR) Annual Meeting. September 4-8th, 2024.
Dasegowda G, Harkey T, Ramakrishnaiah R. More than Meets the Eye! Imaging Approach to Evaluating Anatomy and Pathology of Extraocular Muscles. Electronic Exhibit. American Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ASHNR) Annual Meeting. September 4-8th, 2024.
Irfan K, Abdelaziz A, Gaballah A, Nasrullah A, Thimmappa N, Elbanan M, Raj D, Joe Jose, Ghouri M, Tahoe N, Mohammed A, Siddiqui A. Imaging Approach to the Diagnosis of Solitary Pancreatic Head Masses. Poster Presentation, RSNA, November 2024.
Haney, Sydney; McBee, Abigail; Aixa, Gonzalez-Garcia; Shashi, Kumar; Matlock, David Neil; Mack, Joana Marie. A Severe Presentation of RASA1 Mutation: Case Report. 2025 Southern Regional Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. February 13 – 15, 2025.