By Katrina Dupins The first thing Valerie Hutchens noticed when she woke up in the recovery room after surgery was how much clearer the voices around her sounded. “I can hear you!” she said to her surgeon, Martin Radvany, M.D., UAMS interventional neuroradiologist. Among the myriad of symptoms Hutchens experienced with idiopathic intracranial hypertension was a […]
New Faculty – January 2019
Kelli Schmitz, M.D., has joined the Department of Radiology as an Associate Professor in the Division of Pediatric Radiology. She received her medical degree from UAMS in 2000. Dr. Schmitz completed her residency in diagnostic radiology at the University of Florida Health Science Center/Shands Jacksonville in 2005. She continued her training, completing a fellowship in […]
UAMS Physician Saves Teen from Effects of Rare Stroke
Sept. 21, 2018 | Early on May 27, UAMS neuroradiologist Martin Radvany, M.D., was working to make sure that a joke about stroke from teenager Dra Bishop was not the last joke Dra made. Bishop’s stroke was not a laughing matter. Dra, 16, a Bentonville High School and Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) basketball player, was […]
Radiology Staff Turns Department’s Newest Residents into “Captive” Audience
Sept. 12, 2108 | Those who pursue a medical degree know the endeavor isn’t all fun and games but at times, learning and levity can intersect. Just ask the new UAMS radiology residents who recently found themselves locked in a room, working together to escape the clutches of a fictional crazy physician with hazardous nuclear […]
New Faculty
Sumera Ali, M.D., has joined the Department of Radiology as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Pediatric Radiology. She received her medical degree from the Aga Khan University in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2009. Dr. Ali completed her residency in diagnostic radiology at UAMS in 2017, serving as Chief Resident in 2016-2017. She continued her […]
Tips for the Radiology Residency Pre-application process
“Tips for the Radiology Residency Pre-application process,” by Drs. Ireland, Deloney, and Jambhekar from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, was published August 27th. This was the second article in a series to help medical students plan for a career in radiology. This was the second article in a series of six Aunt Minnie will […]
Congratulations!! Class of 2019 – Radiology Fellowship Match
New CT scanner in the ER
The Department of Radiology is happy to announce the installation of our new CT system that will be the second scanner in the Emergency Room at UAMS. This new CT is a Canon (Toshiba) 320 slice scanner, has an 80cm opening with a 650 pound weight limit. As comparing the current system the 64 slice […]
Dr. Martin Radvany Named Chief of Interventional Neuroradiology
Marvin G. Radvany, M.D., an internationally known leader in interventional neuroradiology and specialist in vascular disorders of the brain and spine, has joined the Department of Radiology as Professor and Chief of Interventional Neuroradiology. Dr. Radvany received his medical degree from Northwestern University in Chicago in 1991. He completed a residency in diagnostic radiology at […]
Dr. James McDonald Invested in Ferris Chair
James E. McDonald, M.D., Chair of the Department of Radiology, was formally invested in the Ernest J. Ferris, M.D., Chair in Diagnostic Radiology on March 27. Endowed in 1998, the chair honors Dr. Ferris, who chaired the department from 1977 to 2008. Internationally known for his contributions to radiology, Dr. Ferris has received some of […]