Message from the Chair
Welcome to the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences! We are in the College of Medicine and are home to 15 primary faculty, three research faculty, 16 graduate students, four postdoctoral fellows, 12 research staff, and five administrative staff. Our highly productive and internationally recognized faculty are supported by numerous grants from the National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, and multiple foundations. Faculty in our department study a wide variety of human pathogens and diseases, including Lyme Disease, ovarian cancer, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, leishmaniasis, malaria, poxvirus, and plague. Our faculty work with students, postdoctoral fellows, and technicians to advance knowledge of pathogenic processes and ultimately identify new approaches to treat devastating human diseases.
Our graduate students are part of the Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences and participate in a core curriculum early in their career that develops critical thinking and innovative approaches to research. Ph.D. students are provided with a stipend and their tuition is paid. After selecting a dissertation advisor, students engage in rigorous research projects that culminate in a dissertation defense showcasing their achievements. Our ultimate goal is to prepare students for a productive career in science, including academic research, industry positions, undergraduate education, and numerous other career paths. Our trainees are the heart and soul of our research laboratories, and they go across the nation after graduating to pursue their career goals.
Our department offices, laboratories, and common areas are located on the fifth floor of Biomedical Research Centers I and II. We also support a biosafety level-3 facility to study highly infectious human pathogens.
If you have any questions about the department, please contact me or any of our faculty.
Message to Alumni and Friends
We are extremely proud of our many alumni and former faculty, including emeritus faculty. Our alumni are using the skills learned here to advance scientific discovery in numerous areas of human health. If you are a former student or faculty member, we would love to hear from you. Your careers are inspirations to all of us in the department. Please stop by the department and see us any time you are close to UAMS.
Daniel E. Voth, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
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