MBIM students and postdocs continue to make the MBIM department and UAMS proud in recent international meetings and courses this summer. Great work everyone!
(1) Pechous Lab in the Microbial Pathogenesis Conference; (2) Het Adhvaryu with mentor Dr. Dan Voth at the ASR conference; (3) Brandon Hogland at the Wind River Conference of Prokaryotic Biology; (4) Naiha Ahmad at ASV 2023; (5) Tyler Appell at the CSHL course; (6) Lucy Fry with mentor Dr. Tiffany Weinkopff at IMMUNOLOGY2023
Conferences and Meetings
Het Adhvaryu (student, Voth Lab)
Poster (Travel Award), American Society for Rickettsiology, Snowbird, UT, July 8-11
Naiha Ahmad (student, Liu Lab)
Talk (Travel Award), American Society for Virology, Athens, GA, June 24-28
Tyler Appell (student, Pechous Lab)
The Microbial Pathogenesis Conference: Mechanisms of Infectious Disease, Southbridge, MA, July 9-13
Mara Campbell (student, Smeltzer Lab)
Poster, Gordon Research Seminar and Conference for Staphylococcal Diseases, Waterville Valley, NH, July 29-August 4
Lucy Fry (student, Weinkopff Lab)
Talk (AAI Trainee Abstract Award), IMMUNOLOGY2023, Washington, DC, May 11-15
Poster, Lymphatic Forum, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 13-17
Brandon Hogland (student, Blevins Lab)
Poster (Travel Award), Wind River Conference of Prokaryotic Biology, Estes Park, CO, June 5-9
Miguel Mercado (student, Li Lab)
Talk (AAI Trainee Abstract Award, AAI Careers in Immunology Fellowship Travel Grant), IMMUNOLOGY2023, Washington, DC, May 11-15
Steven Murdock (student, Forrest Lab)
Poster, American Society for Virology, Athens, GA, June 24-28
Shana Owens, Ph.D. (postdoc, Forrest Lab)
Talk (Travel Award), American Society for Virology, Athens, GA, June 24-28
Katie Pierce (student, Voth Lab)
American Society for Rickettsiology, Snowbird, UT, July 8-11
Gopinath Venugopal, Ph.D. (postdoc, Pechous Lab)
Poster, The Microbial Pathogenesis Conference: Mechanisms of Infectious Disease, Southbridge, MA, July 9-13
Tyler Appell (student, Pechous Lab)
Cold Spring Harbor Advanced Bacterial Genetics Course, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, June 9-25