Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences, UAMS B.S. in Biology, University of Central Arkansas Laboratory: Dr. Lin-Xi Li Research: Immune responses to Chlamydia
Clayton Matthews, M.S.
Het Adhvaryu
Marena Guzman, Ph.D.
Ph.D.: Molecular Biosciences, Washington State University Lab: Dr. Daniel Voth
Gopinath Venugopal, Ph.D.
Ph.D.: Free University Berlin, Germany Lab: Dr. Roger Pechous
Meghan Jones, M.S.
Alison Gouch
Lucy Fry
Marie Chow Memorial Research Awardee Training in Systems Pharmacology and Toxicology (SPaT) T32 NIGMS Fellowship The AAI Careers in Immunology Fellowship B.S. in Biochemistry, Florida State University Hometown: Windermere, Fl Mentor: Dr. Tiffany Weinkopff Research: Host responses to Leishmania
Mohamed O. Elasri, Ph.D.
Priya Thevar