Program Elements
There are three elements of the program.
The first includes all UAMS DOP fellows regardless of whether they participate in the Scholarly Advancement Program and is integrated into bimonthly didactics focused on the core academic and research skills all graduates of ABP-accredited fellowships should garner.
The second is for fellows that opt to participate in the Scholarly Advancement Program. Fellows will develop a research project, specific aims page, and career development plan tailored to the fellows career goals. To provide external, outside advice and support, domain-specific Scholarly Advancement Committees have been developed. These domains are
- Clinical Research
- Basic and Translational Research
- Quality Improvement
- Outcomes/Clinical Informatics/Health Disparities/Education or Simulation-based Research
The committees are made up of 5-8 experts in each domain and a biostatistician. Participating fellows will meet with the committee at least twice a year, discuss their project, solicit feedback, and receive recommendations from the committee regarding career development and the particular project. Each committee can award a $5,000 grant to the participating fellow entering the final year of training with the best overall project. Participants that successfully complete the program will be certified as being a UAMS Pediatric Scholar in the domain in which they participate.
The third element of the program is small group sessions that go into more depth and nuance on specific academic topics than occurs in the larger group settings. They are led by a research leader in the department using a discussion format.
Topics include:
- Setting Yourself Up for Academic Success Starting in Fellowship
- Specific Aims Pages
- Mentorship, Sponsorship and What Institutions Owe Young Investigators
- Giving, Receiving, and Acting on Feedback
- Grants and Awards as the Stepping Stones of an Academic Career
- Recognizing and Addressing Burnout in Academic Medicine
- Society, Foundation, and Federal Funding Agencies
- Cut Bait or Fish? Knowing when to submit a manuscript.
- How to Advocate for Yourself and Maintain Clear Boundaries
- Academic Societies and Meetings
- Expectations and Advancement in Academic Medicine
The goal of the program is to develop the next generation of leaders in pediatric academic medicine. We hope that you consider participating.
Contact Us
Betty A. Lowe, M.D. Distinguished Chair in Pediatric Education
Professor of Pediatrics
Director of Laboratory Research
Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Critical Care Medicine