Welcome to the Pediatric Radiology On-Call Survival Guide!
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Project Lead: Surbhi Raichandani, M.D. [R4/PGY5, UAMS]
Project Mentor: Kevin Wong, D.O. [Assistant Professor, ACH]
Website Development: Surbhi Raichandani, M.D. & Dhruba Dasgupta [MS 4, UAMS]
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Hanna Jensen, M.D., Ph.D. (Assistant Professor & Clinical Research, UAMS) for her help and support with this project. Shoutout to Mr. Chris Lesher (Web Content Manager, UAMS) for helping with web support!

This is going to be a whirlwind tour of all the important facets in pediatric radiology we need you to know on call. We will take a systems based approach to cover the major entities unique to pediatric imaging so you feel like you’ve got the hang of things by the time you’re done reading. You can either start from the top or tackle each system randomly. Of course, you can always click on whatever you’re most interested in to jump to it directly instead. Feel free to take a look at the table of contents below which contains everything we will discuss in this handy survival guide. Good luck for call. You’ve got this!
Classification of pathology
- Gastrointestinal
- Appendicitis
- Obstruction
- Lower GI obstruction
- Upper GI obstruction
- Ingested foreign body
- Musculoskeletal
- Nonaccidental trauma
- Irritable hip
- Transient synovitis
- Septic joint
- Osteomyelitis
- Characteristic fractures (non abuse pattern)
- Toddler’s fractures
- Torus/Buckle fractures
- Abscess
3. Neuro
- Subdural hemorrhage
- Trauma
- Brain bleeds (including contusions, epidural bleed)
- Classic skull fractures (ping pong)
- Hypoxic injury and signs
4. ICU
5. Miscellaneous