Home Town: Little Rock, AR
When I study medicine, I most enjoy learning about: Anything with pediatrics or cardiology. I think the heart is such an amazing organ, and who doesn’t love learning more about kiddos?!
Things that make me unique are: My undergraduate degree is in Anthropology and I almost became an archaeologist until I answered the call to Medicine. I love anything relating to ancient history or unique and amazing cultures around the world.
I’m not only a doctor, I also like to: Go to the movies, try new restaurants, listen to tons of music, read books, and play video games.
To get myself motivated I think of: To REALLY get motivated I think of all the people who have helped me get where I am in life.
The hours I spend warm and cozy with a book I’m reading: The Lord of the Rings: One Volume by J. R. R. Tolkein or Sherlock Holmes the Complete Collection by Arthur Conan Doyle
With popcorn in hand the movie I’m watching is: Any Star Wars movie. As a fanboy I love them all.
Without a DVR on my cable box I’d miss (or I’m in front of the TV so I won’t miss): Arkansas Razorback Football!
On my iPod, iPhone, iMac, iPad, etc. I listen to: My favorite band is The Beatles, but I love to listen on shuffle to various things from classic rock, alternative rock, New Wave, old school RnB, Motown, Blues, and so much more. The wide world of music is too amazing to listen to only a couple genres.
When friends and family come visit me in Little Rock, I want to take them to: Pinnacle Mountain park or Emerald Park if we’re staying close to Little Rock. Arkansas has so many beautiful places to go visit beyond the area around Little Rock as well.
I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and…: I know from prior employment experience that Arkansas Children’s Hospital is a magical place to be with amazing people working there in nearly every facet. It felt like home before I got into medical school and wanted to be able to return to the only hospital that has felt like a “home”.