Home Town: Bald Knob, AR
When I study medicine, I most enjoy learning about: while I prefer a variety of topics over a single, focused topic, I am naturally drawn towards cardiology.
Things that make me unique are: I have two children, Gatlin and Ivy, with my wonderful wife Lauren. I also am an avid chess player.
I’m not only a doctor, I also like to: play type of sport, hunting, fishing, playing chess, solve puzzles
To get myself motivated I think of: I try and picture myself at the end of the journey in order to motivate me to stay disciplined in the moment.
Books: Outside of the Bible, I haven’t really read a book since high school.
Movies: The Dark Knight Rises, The Matrix, The Avengers (yeah I like superhero movies)
TV Shows: The Office, Forged in Fire
Music: My favorite band is “Red”
I chose: I love dealing with the intricacies and physiologic differences that make pediatric medicine different from adult medicine