Jared Beavers, M.D. is an Associate Professor in the Neonatology section of the Pediatrics department at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children’s Hospital. He is also the Associate Program Director for the College of Medicine Pediatriac Residency program, and Resident Mentor.
Dr. Beavers has recently been awarded the Red Sash Educator award, and Medical Student Pediatric Teacher of the Year award. He is also the founder, create and administrator of the Jones Educational Development Institute (JEDI) which is a cross-platform pediatric education system designed to enhance and augment clinical education and consolidate post-graduate activity and tracking.
Dr. Beavers has contributed to several projects that have been presented at national conferences as well as published in scientific journals. His research focuses on the use of prophylactic dextrose gel in newborns at risk for hypoglycemia, and bradycardia and acidosis in a term newborn.