Home Town: AnHui, China or Overland Park, KS
Study: Pathophysiology of disease processes and the physiology of our body functions. It’s interesting how your body is like a giant puzzle!
Unique: I love to dance! I used to dance Salsa in Dallas for a year, however haven’t found much time to contribute that hobby. So instead, I’d do dance workouts on YouTube with The Fitness Marshall. I welcome you all to join me!!!!!
I’m not only a doctor, I also like to: train and play with my dogs (Charizard and Vulpix), gardening and playing tennis with my husband. Occasionally, I’ll play tunes on the piano.
To get myself motivated I think of: my parents and remembering the struggles they went through seeking medical care due to language and cultural barrier.
Books: I’m a Harry Potter fan!!!
Movies: Any Disney movie (I cry in all of them and I don’t know why!), Marvel movies, a silent Voice
TV Show: Haikyu!
Music: I like all kinds of music!
I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and…: Everyone I met during interview were friendly and welcoming. Definitely sensed the camaraderie between residents and they seemed well-supported by their programs!