Home Town: Springdale AR
When I study medicine, I most enjoying learning about: Pediatric congenital heart disease and the use of Echocardiograms to have a real time image inside the human body.
Things that make me unique are: In between Undergrad and Medical School I spent a winter season working at the Vail Ski Resort in Colorado.
I’m not only a doctor, I also like to: Go to Razorback sporting events, ride my Harley Davidson, play Xbox with friends and go to the gym.
To get myself motivated I think of: My future goal of being the best Pediatrician a parent would ever want to have.
The hours I spend warm and cozy with a book I’m reading: When Breath Becomes Air, The Go-Giver, or other self-improvement books.
With popcorn in hand the movie I’m watching is: Top Gun, as loud as the TV will go.
Without a DVR on my cable box I’d miss (or I’m in front of the TV so I won’t miss): Grey’s anatomy, because my girlfriend loves it, therefore we watch it.
On my iPod, iPhone, iMac, iPad, etc. I listen to: 90’s party country, new country, hip-hop/rap, anything by Gryffin.
When friends and family come visit me in Little Rock, I want to take them to: Pinnacle Mountain followed by Tacos and Tamales (hopefully before happy hour ends).
I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and…: I love the children of Arkansas and had the best pediatrics rotation during medical school here at Arkansas Children’s.