Home Town: Dallas, Texas I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and: everyone was so kind when I interviewed, and I felt especially excited to learn more about residency on interview day. Developing autonomy and skills also seemed to be a common goal between me and the program. I loved the access […]
Nikita Patil, M.D.
Sneha Jayadeep, MBBS
Moustafa Rashed, M.D.
Dima Saad, M.D.
Vandana Garg, M.D.
Kierstyn Luckock, D.O.
Home Town: Prosper, Texas I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and: I love the city of Little Rock. I spent my 3rd year of medical school here and found that Little Rock has a little bit of everything. It has the connivance and culture of a big city and the landscape of […]
Hannah White, M.D.
Home Town: Brownwood, Texas Pronouns: She/Her I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and: I wanted to train in a program with high volume and high acuity all while being in a supportive atmosphere. I loved my interview day with UAMS and really felt like this was home for me!
Pooja Revanna, M.D.
Home Town: Jacksonville, Ala. Pronouns: She/Her I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and: Surpasses any hopes or dreams I had in mind for my ideal residency program. I could not get UAMS out of my head after the amazing interview with the sweetest and most genuine interactions.
Amal Farooq, D.O.
Medical School: Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine Home Town: Houston, Texas Pronouns: She/Her I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because: I loved seeing how excited everyone was about the program from students to faculty and staff. I saw myself learning and growing a lot within the program because of the opportunities and supportive environment, which […]