Home Town: Springfield, MO
When I study medicine, I most enjoying learning about: I love the problem-solving side of medicine. I particularly enjoy working with patients and their families to make sure that all of their needs are being met. No two sets of circumstances are the same, and sometimes medicine can seem kind of like a puzzle. I love facing a challenge and figuring out creative solutions to ensure that patients receive the best care in a way that fits into their lives.
Things that make me unique are: I can whistle super loudly, I am a tissue donation recipient, I love college basketball (Rock Chalk!), and my dad still drives the car that he and I rebuilt together. I’m also the 3rd generation in my family to work at Arkansas Children’s!
I’m not only a doctor, I also like to: Ride my bike on the river trail, check out restaurants around the Hillcrest neighborhood, relax at the lake, and go to pretty much any type of sporting event.
To get myself motivated: Sometimes I listen to loud music in the car or when I’m exercising if I’m needing a pick-me-up. That, or I watch clips of Remember the Titans on Youtube.
The hours I spend warm and cozy with a book I’m reading: Honestly, I read a lot of newspaper articles. It’s so lame, I know. You don’t have to remind me.
With popcorn in hand, the movie I’m watching is: Star Wars, The Fugitive, Forrest Gump, or one of the Marvel movies.
Without a DVR on my cable box I’d miss (or I’m in front of the TV so I won’t miss): The Mandalorian, Narcos, Ozark, Arrested Development, Schitt’s Creek, and Game of Thrones.
On my iPod, iPhone, iMac, iPad, etc. I listen to: 90’s hip hop, Chance the Rapper, Maggie Rogers, Nirvana, The Lumineers, Zac Brown Band, Citizen Cope, and Sports? with Katie Nolan (it’s a podcast).
When friends and family come visit me in Little Rock, I want to take them to: Baja Grill! My wife and I go there so often that the staff recognizes us now. Also, Hill Station.
I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and…: The people here really are a family. I got to experience that a little bit as a medical student, and it really showed when I interviewed here. It’s a very “work hard, play hard” environment. The attendings are also highly invested in the residents and their families, which I really appreciate. Arkansas Children’s is an incredible place with even more incredible people.