Home Town: Lucas, Texas
When I study medicine, I most enjoying learning about: Anything related to pediatrics, especially endocrinology, advocacy and mental health.
Things that make me unique are: My name, it rhymes! I am also obsessed with chai and I have made it every morning for myself since starting college.
I’m not only a doctor, I also like to: Bake, my pipe dream is to appear on the Great British Baking show. I also read a lot and go to Trader Joe’s way more than I should.
To get myself motivated I think of: my incredibly supportive family
Books: Any of the Harry Potter books, See No Stranger and When Breath Becomes Air
Movies: Marvel movies, Harry Potter, Legally Blonde and Tangled
TV Show: Brooklyn 99, Schitt’s Creek, Friends, New Girl and Happy Endings
Music: Anything! Pop, rock and 70’s/80’s
I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and: I felt I would be cared for here. I did an elective rotation here and everyone I came across were all so caring and welcoming!