Home Town: Plano, Texas
When I study medicine, I most enjoying learning about: Cardio and Pulmonary Physiology and Physical Exam
Things that make me unique are:
I’m not only a doctor, I also like to: Spend time with my wife, ride bikes, swim, run, do house projects, have fun with friends, fish, cook, and lots of other things I don’t have time for!
To get myself motivated I think of: Every person is valuable. It’s how they were created, and not what they do. Let’s work and live in a way that show’s people they are valuable.
Books: Undaunted Courage, Narnia, Between the World and Me, The Millionaire Next Door
Movies: The Secret life of Walter Mitty, Star Wars, James Bond (Daniel Craig)
TV Show: Psych, The Chosen
Music: John Mayer, Black keys, … Anything really
I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and…:
It’s in my home! After attending medical school at UAMS and doing rotations in ACH, I knew it would be a place that I could enjoy both living and working. The staff, patients, and location of ACH are wonderful. As a MedPeds Resident the combination with UAMS and the VA is perfect. I’m excited to train here!