Home Town: Mountain Home, AR
When I study medicine, I most enjoying learning about: Clinical reasoning. I love learning how different clinical pictures can be handled by different, competent physicians to reach the same conclusion.
Things that make me unique are: I married my high-school sweetheart at 19 after my first year in college.
I’m not only a doctor, I also like to: Spend time with my family, play outside with my kids and dogs, woodworking.
To get myself motivated I think of: My commitment to my patients and their families.
The hours I spend warm and cozy with a book I’m reading: Non-fiction books
With popcorn in hand the movie I’m watching is: Lord of the Rings, Marvel movies, Forrest Gump
Without a DVR on my cable box I’d miss (or I’m in front of the TV so I won’t miss): I love 90s sitcoms: Everybody Loves Raymond, King of Queens, Frasier, Friends, etc.
On my iPod, iPhone, iMac, iPad, etc. I listen to: Country music, Christian music, podcasts
When friends and family come visit me in Little Rock, I want to take them to: The restaurants in Little Rock, the Little Rock Zoo
I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and…: I was incredibly impressed with the residents I worked with here as a student. The level of training and compassion that they had every day was apparent, and I wanted to be a part of that.