Home Town: Plano, Texas
When I study medicine, I most enjoyed learning about: Anything to do with kids! Pediatric diseases are so fascinating. I especially like learning about critical care medicine, oncology, and mental health within the world of pediatrics.
Things that make me unique are: I love making people laugh! I am a pro at getting on the Jumbotron at football games. I plan on learning how to fly at some point in the near future!
I’m not only a doctor, I also like to: Play with my dog, Betty, and teach her new tricks! I am a big Razorback fan and love getting to cheer them on from the stands! Wooo Pig Sooie! I also dabble in photography and enjoy stand-up comedy!
To get myself motivated I think of: The patients and their families that we get to help out daily. My dream job has always been being a doctor!
Books: All the medical school textbooks, of course!
Movies: All Disney movies!
TV Show: Ted Lasso, Impractical Jokers, The Office, Survivor
Music: Glass Animals, Hippo Campus, Judah & the Lion
I chose the UAMS Pediatrics Residency Program because it’s wonderful and…: UAMS Peds is where I felt at home! I’ve wanted to come back to Arkansas since leaving for medical school. UAMS Peds will also let me experience pediatric medicine in its truest form. I want to explore all specialties within peds, and this program gave me that opportunity!